Wednesday, November 19, 2008


"The second woe has
passed. Behold the
third woe cometh
quickly." -Revelation

Hell breathes the fire of unquenchable desire
Excess's sinking spiral
leads to its wisdom prison gate
once beloved faces
twist distort creates
the grating utterance incenses
the door-less walls and maculate the halls
an overture to the descent to hell

secretion of lies with indulging ties
robs all joy as if mortal life a toy
when we cease to struggle against the chain
it is then that we submit to the restraint

scrape off the errogenous zones
burn a heart to the tone
Machavallian torture
lusty eyes seek desire to consume pleasure
love crucibles soul higher into royal treasure

billow robe incognito
slow to show
rotting soul amidst blooming flesh
banished immortal beauty
nevermore deceiving reality

Blue clings to me
revealing darkly what i see

spirits rejoice for the lost
gloat for their deceit
for validating the cost

i succumb to distractions tempt
consumned by naughty elf
i abhor my reprobate self

temptation is a beautiful whore
falling in love is for corpses
succubus in the days of lore
discovers delicious shadows
incubus penetrates the door
all thirst for one to count his score

a writhing serpent double tailed
coiled scales circle foundations limbs
slithering up the steeple's spine
soft and warm spilling against
cool firm flesh stiff and piercing carress
for the suple receiving peaks
and crevice conclave divine

putred regurgitating aura
of the beloved idolized
induces trance to encompass and contract
circumnavigate the throat
squeezing life out of death
severing soul from creator
we go blind to the line between truth and lie

lust has been raped of its pleasure
debaucherous pride of its illusion

at the end blue clingsto me
revealing darkly what i see
hell breathes the fire of unquenchable desire

"Have pity on me,
have pity on me oh
you my friends, for the
hand of God has
touched me." Job

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